Being A Leader

These are unprecedented and scary times to be sure. Here’s wishing you and all of yours safety and good health. A sincere thank you to those putting themselves on the front line.

I’m choosing to believe that everyone is doing their best with what they have. I’m trying to have patience when I’m in disbelief of people’s actions. I am continually awed by those on the front lines being essential and I can’t help but think about leaders and heroes.

Regardless what you think of our leaders, what does it mean to you to be a leader?

I can’t help but be reminded of when I was in my early 20’s and working for a large corporation. During a performance review, a manager told me to be careful of my actions because people naturally follow me and I needed to be aware of where I led them.

That has stuck with me all these years. And while I don’t necessarily see myself as a leader, I still try to have awareness of my actions. To be honest, I haven’t always been successful, but I do try.

So, during these times, I can’t help but ask.

How can you lead?

Who do you want to follow?

Perhaps you don’t see yourself as a leader. Fair enough, but what can you do? Shelter in place? Call a friend/family member? Volunteer to help those more impacted than you?

It doesn’t have to be big. In these times, it truly is the little things that matter.

My daughter who has anxiety is doing remarkably well during these times. She shared with my husband and me that with her anxiety, it’s her natural inclination to hunker down and stay inside. Before, this made her feel ‘different’ and even judged but now she feels like a hero! Staying sheltered in place is something she can do and it is in service to the greater good. I was both relieved and proud.

So now’s the time for each of us to answer the call. Do what you can for the overall good. Continue to be safe, practice good social distancing and lead or at least, make a conscious decision as to who you will follow.


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